LEGO Star Wars: Rebuild the Galaxy – Official Teaser Trailer (2024)

May 9, 2024:

Check out the teaser trailer for LEGO Star Wars: Rebuild the Galaxy, an upcoming “four-piece” animated special featuring the voice talents of Gaten Matarazzo (Sig Greebling), Tony Revolori (Dev Greebling), Bobby Moynihan (Jedi Bob), Marsai Martin (Yesi Scala), Michael Cusack (Servo), Ahmed Best (Darth Jar Jar), and Mark Hamill (Luke Skywalker).

In LEGO Star Wars: Rebuild the Galaxy, the entire Star Wars Galaxy gets completely mixed up when an ordinary nerf-herder, Sig Greebling (Gaten Matarazzo), unearths a powerful artifact from a hidden Jedi temple. He finds himself thrust into adventure in a new, wondrously wild and twisted version of the galaxy where good guys are bad, bad guys are good, and the fate of all depends on Sig becoming the hero who can put all the pieces back together.

Dan Hernandez, Benji Samit, James Waugh, Jacqui Lopez, Josh Rimes, Jill Wilfert, Jason Cosler and Keith Malone are the executive producers. Chris Buckley directs with Daniel Cavey & Dan Langlois producing.

LEGO Star Wars: Rebuild the Galaxy consists of four parts, which debut September 13, exclusively on Disney+.



50 responses to “LEGO Star Wars: Rebuild the Galaxy – Official Teaser Trailer (2024)”

  1. @SunStyles says:

    Damn thought this would be a video game 😅

  2. But my therapist told me Darth Jar Jar isn't real and couldn't hurt me!!!! 😭😭😭

  3. They actually did it, the madlads, Darth Jar Jar is officially cannon now.

  4. As always, Lego Star Wars does not miss.

  5. Lol Darth JarJar so funny

  6. they rlly making a star wars what if in lego😭😭😭😭

  7. The lack of self-awareness is hilarious, its literally how disney understands the wars universe.

  8. @_MaddMaxx_ says:

    Michael Cusack? Nice!

  9. @tombojones8 says:

    About time we got Darth Jar Jar. Sorely missed opportunity in the main line films.

  10. Wish it was a video game

  11. @idrk647 says:

    This is going to flop

  12. never thought id see the day where darth jar jar shows his true power

  13. @darin5514 says:

    This is why we're getting a Vader millennium falcon sick

  14. @dioddie1412 says:

    It's literally everything we've ever wanted!😭

  15. @Ha0507 says:

    Is it just me, or did anyone else think this was a game trailer?

  16. The mad lads actually did it.

    They made Jar Jar's destiny come to fruition.

  17. Imagine if they added a Darth Jar Jar DLC to Lego Star Wars the Skywalker saga.

  18. So this is reveals somehow the timeline of the Star Wars universe in Lego form is now going to be different than what it was before.

  19. They made black woman again!

  20. @rifty9322 says:


  21. @Rosco- says:

    Bru it’s Star Wars what if?!

  22. The small, transparent blue glowing Lego piece visually reminds me of the leftover Lego piece from Lord Vortech from the post credit scene of the Lego Dimensions video game. Will there be any connection if this piece has the power to rebuild the galaxy? 🤔

  23. Darth Jar Jar isn’t real, he can’t hurt you.
    Darth Jar Jar: Meesa gonna hurt yousa

  24. @QuarterCal says:

    Everyone talking about Darth jar jar, and not about The Goat! Jesu Master Bob!

  25. @burnsy96 says:

    Jar Jar going most hated to most loved is insane

  26. Jedi Bob and Darth Jar Jar, Absolute legends!

  27. So is this lego thing the closest thing to a star wars what if we're gonna get?

  28. Darth Jar Jar.

    …thank you Lego.

  29. This explains the white Vader set

  30. What if Lego Star Wars Edition

  31. ok take my money !

  32. Well they finally did it. They brought in Darth Jar Jar.

  33. Why is Jar Jar still the same?

  34. "In ways you could not possibly imagine"

    Yeah, right. Really blew my mind

  35. Would of been better as a game

  36. Oh naw not the republic at at walker ☠️☠️☠️ 0:20

  37. @IncogNeyo says:

    This is honestly an amazing way of making a star wars what if ngl 🎉

  38. all hail lord jar Jar

  39. Star Wars fans seeing the Acolyte trailer : 😑😐🫥
    Star Wars fans seeing this trailer : 😃🤩🥳

  40. Leave it up to LEGO to drop the best new Star Wars content in years.

  41. Somehow Jedi Bob has returned

  42. Whos the black chick? Real char or DEI hire?

  43. Lego is rebuilding the StarWars legacy

  44. Ahh. So this is what the Lego leak was referring to

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