This is the ‘real Russian collusion’: Steven Mosher

March 15, 2022:

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“Bully of Asia” author Steven Mosher joined “The Ingraham Angle” Monday to discuss the relationship between Russia and China.

STEVEN MOSHER: Well, I think the Biden administration was a day late and a dollar short in approaching China for help. I mean, Russia went to China four months ago and signed a new shipping agreement to help them avoid any future sanctions or embargo. So anyone who says that China doesn’t have Russia’s back just has to look at the new shipping agreement, which says that anything shipped from Russian ports to China belongs to China as soon as it’s put on the ship. So we can’t seize the ship, we can’t seize the cargo. That happened four months ago. And of course, as you mentioned, Putin went to Beijing right before the Olympics, signed a 5,000 word agreement, pledging eternal friendship, 5,000 word agreements, those don’t get negotiated overnight. So this collusion, this is the real Russian collusion, Laura, between Russia and China. And to claim now, as Jake Sullivan did, that well, we’re going to enlist China in the effort to help contain Russia and stop the carnage in Ukraine is just nonsense because that ship has sailed. 


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