Oklahoma farmer warns price hikes in grocery stores likely by summer

March 11, 2022:

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Oklahoma farmer Ben Neal joined “The Ingraham Angle” to discuss how the painful price hikes felt by the farming industry will soon be felt by consumers in grocery stores.

BEN NEAL: We’re going to hit on every front on every expense possible, from fertilizer to fuel to labor insurance, everything in between our packing supplies. So we operate a small farm in Oklahoma. One hundred percent of our sales are farm-to-home delivery. And so we are driving across the state. And you know, the fuel costs are really painful for us … I would say our increases are roughly 25 to 30 percent, and I think that that will soon be reflected at the grocery stores. On top of what we’re already seeing, these fertilizer price increases haven’t really affected the grocery store prices yet. They will start coming this summer. 


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