Newt Gingrinch roasts Biden’s address, saying it he was ‘out of touch’

March 2, 2022:

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Former House Speaker Newt Gingrich tells ‘Hannity’ that Biden either believed what he was saying in his State of the Union address, or he was delivered ‘lie after lie after lie’ to the American people.

Newt Gingrinch: Well, first of all, this is the last time we’ll see Nancy Pelosi at a state of the Union. And I look forward to seeing Kevin McCarthy sitting up there next year. So that, to me, was the one optimistic moment. This was a very dangerous speech because either Joe Biden believed in the speech, in which case he’s out of touch with reality or it was a deliberate lie to the American people lie after lie after lie. Your point is exactly right. Trump had the price of oil per barrel down at about $46. The difference between that and $100 a barrel is fifty four dollars, going to Putin every single hour[…] The point is, at that price, Putin is making over a billion dollars a day to finance his military activities. Thanks to the Biden policy, Biden had a chance to do a lot of things tonight, and I would simply say I’m more optimistic than you are. Not that I don’t think this will be brutal and difficult, but big cities absorb armies. It’s one of the great lessons of World War Two in places like Stalingrad and Leningrad. And Putin ought to understand that if the Ukrainians are prepared to fight, we have an absolute moral obligation.

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